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Information about the organisation of the MSc Epidemiology

Graduate School of Life Sciences

The MSc and PhD Epidemiology programmes are part of the Utrecht University Graduate School of Life Sciences and organized by the following faculties / research groups:



MSc Epidemiology works closely together with Elevate Health. The MSc Epidemiology Postgraduate Online programme is offered through this online platform. A high quality of education via e-learning has been one of our trademarks for a while, and in cooperation with Elevate we can further expand this ambition. Elevate is an online academy that educates international health professionals, elevating professional knowledge and improving health worldwide. They offer more than online information; it is an interactive portal that enables global health professionals to share knowledge, explore ideas and analyse new science. This means that at the end of your course, you’ll not only have an internationally recognised diploma, but also a network of peers that you can call on as you develop professionally.

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